Please leave any comments, questions or feedback under each section. We would Appreciate if you could suggest ideas that we could possibly put into our blog, or give us feedback so that we could improve our blog to make it better for our readers, you guys and any questions are welcome about our blog we will attempt to answer ASAP.
Thanks Miabelle (or Meep Pork)!
We have added some of your suggestions and we are working on more. Thanks for your suggestions and your bookmark! :D
Here is a suggestion:
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could make a section with your favourite websites,music,movies,youtube channels. Something like that . I guess you could call it media....
Anyway I am totally bookmarking this site and it is totally epic! :)
- Miabelle.
Kind of Mia and Isabelle.
But She Is Keeping it Meep Pork at the moment :( Oh well