How to Paint Half Nails!
Now, your probably thinking, Nat, what on earth are half nails? Read on to find out!
What you will need:
-2 Different Nail Polish Colours
-Sticky Tape
-A Hand (I hope most of you have one)
1. Stick a piece of the sticky tape onto your nail. Though, stick it diagonally covering half your nail (or whatever you prefer). Like so:
2. Paint over the un-taped part, but you can paint over the tape if you want. Make sure the tape is stuck on firmly.
3. Peel off the piece of sticky tape and then you can wait for the half to be dry. But my nail polish (K-mart) dried really quickly. A few tips on how to make them dry faster is to run them under cold water, or put them in a freezer. Then paint the other half carefully.
4. And your done! Enjoy your newly painted nails!
Keep painting!
P.S I don't even know why I made this, my sister taught me :P I don't even like painting my nails...
Today I am going to show you how to make a lucky star out of paper (the pictures were taken when it was quite dark, so it is a bit dark in the picture... hopefully you still understand!)!
What you will need:
-A strip of paper (about the length of an A4 sheet of paper)
-Scissor (optional)
1. Cut out (or rip like I did) a strip of paper. I would say that it should be quite thin, but not so thin that it will rip. About the size that I did or a bit thinner. Maybe a big one, if you would like to try that and have a long enough piece of paper.
2. Loop the paper so it looks like this (I did a wrap around my finger).
3. Take the long piece of the strip (on the top as seen in the above picture) and thread it through the hole and press it down to make this kind of shape:
4. Now tuck the shorter strip of paper into the little 'pocket' on the paper and you should get this:
5. Now fold the long strip over (it will feel natural because it will fold in the right direction) to a side of a the shape:
6. Fold a couple more times...
7. Then you will get to the end of folding, and just tuck that little short strip into the pocket, to get this:
8. Now you need to 'puff' up the star, by grabbing two sides of the shape, and kind of pinch it to get this:
9. Now puff up the other sides to get your completed lucky star!
I hope that made sense... if it didn't, leave a comment and we might make a video explaining it!
DIY Bobby Pins!
Today I am going to show you how you can make your own painted bobby pins! This has been done many times before, but I will show you how to do it anyway. I learnt how to do it from those tutorials, too! Now on to the tutorial!
What You Will Need:
-Nail Polish/Paint (I got my nail polish at Kmart for only a dollar!)
-Bobby Pins
-Paper or Cardboard
1. Gather all your supplies!
2. Paint your bobby pin however you would like!
3. Wait for it to dry.
And your done! How simple was that? Be sure to try it out yourself!
Pretty Ribbon Cuff
- A styrofoam/leather sheet
- A roll of ribbon [which has been barely used]
- A pair of scissors
- tape or a friend[optional]
- ruler
- marker
- a needle with a very thick hole at the end to thread the ribbon through

Use of tape/friend in this step: if you are having trouble wrapping the sheet around your arm without grasping onto the sheet, stick the sheet to your skin[just so it would secure its place]. Or a friend could possibly hold it in place for you.

Then from the Circle line measure 4cm and mark it, and draw a line measuring 8cm from the edge of the sheet like the circle line.
Star= just a line showing the 8cm
Circle=shows my mark, with 8cm width from the edge of the sheet
Triangle= the line made after measuring 4cm further from the Circle line
3. Draw a line across the 8cm mark until the line reaches the Triangle line ^. Than cut around the rectangular shape you have made.
4. From each end of your strip measure 2cm and draw a line through it.
[This example is marked in red] and also draw a circle that is within the red rectangle and placed in the middle.[This is where your ribbon would be first threaded through]
5. Get your needle and thread your ribbon through the 'eye' of the needle[the hole in the needle].
As you see in the photo below this text is a needle that has quite large 'eye' that is needed for a ribbon to be ribbon to be threaded through. Even though the eye would be quite wide you will need to fold your ribbon until its fits [My ribbon is very thick so I would need to fold it more]. Once you have threaded the ribbon through , make sure you pull the ribbon through until it is at least nearly as long as a clipboard. Make sure throughout the step do not cut the ribbon off the roll.

Tip: When pulling the 'eye' of the needle with your ribbon through the hole put pressure on the sheet, the area around your hole made by your needle while pulling the needle through.
6. This is the creative part. Thread the needle through the hole you have drawn except starting from the side that has no marks on it and you can start threading your repetitive pattern.
If you decide to make a pattern identical to mine make sure all the ribbons should be horizontal at the back and the ribbon patterns at the front should be slightly vertical.

7. Finish the other side and thread the new end of the strings through the holes.
Voila! now you have a new ribbon cuff! Now you can strut your stuff with this fashionable ribbon
cuff and you would be so proud of your ribbon cuff that you made!
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial of how to make a ribbon cuff ^.^
DIY Sea Salt Spray
Today I am going to show you how to make your very own sea salt spray! After researching how to make your own, I have finally made one. Sea Salt spray is meant to make your hair wavier like you have just been to the beach! ON TO THE TUTORIAL!
What you will need:
-A Spray Bottle
-Salt (preferably Sea Salt)
-Some type of Oil (coconut is good) or something to keep your hair hydrated
-Extras (such as perfume)
1. Get your spray bottle ready.
2. Pour the salt into the bottle. Pour as much as you would like, but do not put too much or else it will dry out your hair!
3. Add the water, and put a lot of it, but not enough to fill up the rest of the bottle, because you will need to add the oil/moisturiser for hair later.
4. Now add the coconut oil or something to make sure your hair doesn't dry out from all that salt!
5. Now add any extras you would like such as perfume.
6. Shake it all up!
And your done! Read on to find out how to apply it to your hair!
How to Apply Sea Salt Spray!
1. Dampen your hair or keep it dry, but it turns out better if your hair is wet.
2. Spray it all over your hair and scrunch your hair after you have sprayed a section.
3. Your done! How simple was that!
Second Way:
1. Put your hair in a bun or in a plait or two and sleep with it in.
2. Take your hair out.
3. Spray your hair over with the sea salt spray and scrunch as you would when you wake up.
4. Done!
The second attempt might be better because your hair is already slightly wavy from the plaits/bun.
Bye for now!
This will be fun!
DeleteGreat ideas guys, congrats on 900 and something!