Saturday, 19 October 2013


Wow guys! It hasn't even been that long and we already have gained 100 views. Thanks for visiting
our blog, and we will try to post more often now. We've just been a bit busy, but of course our blog is still important! Ok, so let's try to get more views! :P

View on!
-Nat and Izzy

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Summer Living

Hi everybody!

Ok, ok, I know it's not summer yet. Well for us at least (well I don't think it's summer anywhere right now...). Unless maybe you live somewhere where it's hot all the time.
Anyway, right now it is quite hot where we live. The weather is heating up, and I think we need some DIY's to keep it cool!
So may I introduce to you the... Summer Living series! This series will consist of headbands, accessories, and maybe even things like lipgloss! So look forward to that!

Bye for now!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

All Natural!

Hi Everyone (we really need to get a new intro or something)!

If you're like me, you would've read the title as All Naturel (I don't even know why).
Ok, so recently I found a really awesome natural YouTube channel called HolisticHabits. This channel is so awesome and has inspired me to do some natural stuff on this blog. If some stuff I do is from her channel, then I will tell you and you can go check it out!
I might make a 'Natural' or 'Lifestyle' section. Also, have you checked out Rabbitfoodformybunnyteeth? I was also inspired by her. Anyway, try to go all naturel and eco friendly!

Bye for now!